Color Coordination: What Paint Colors Work Best with 5 Common Furniture Colors?

Choosing colors of paint for your walls can be a complicated process, and it’s made even more difficult when you have to coordinate the paint colors with your furniture colors. Finding the right color isn’t an exact science, but it can be made easier by sticking to some coordinating colors and color families. Here are the paint colors that work best with 5 common furniture colors: Black Black is the easiest furniture color to coordinate with. You have pretty much your choice of color options, and the overall vibe you want for your room is what’s going to…

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4 Key Steps for Painting Your Front Door

Updating your home's look doesn't need to be expensive and time-consuming. Something as simple as painting your front door may be just the touch of color and bit of change your home's exterior is begging for! If you're looking for a weekend project that will make a big impact on your home, painting your front door is the way to go. Follow just a few simple steps and your house will be looking updated with just a little time and effort on your end. Pick a Paint Let's start with the most important step: the color! To gather…

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