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How Much Does Interior Painting Cost?

Below you will see the breakdown of how we price our home interior painting projects so you can get a good estimate of how much your project will cost.

Small Bathroom 6 x 6

*Wall Surface            190 Sq Ft         $225.00
Ceiling Surface         36 Sq Ft              $75.00
Door and Casing      Per Side              $60.00
Baseboard                 24 Ln Ft              $25.00

Small Room 10 x 12

*Wall Surface             350 Sq ft          $350.00
Ceiling Surface         120 Sq ft              $75.00
Door and Casing       Per Side             $60.00
Baseboard                 44 Ln Ft              $45.00

Medium Room 12 x 15

*Wall Surface            430 Sq Ft         $430.00
Ceiling Surface          180 Sq Ft          $125.00
Door and Casing       Per Side              $60.00
Baseboard                   54 Ln Ft             $55.00

Large Room 15 x 20

*Wall Surface             560 Sq Ft          $575.00
Ceiling Surface           300 Sq Ft         $185.00
Door and Casing        Per Side             $60.00
Baseboard                   70 Ln Ft             $70.00

*Coats on surface is as follows (Additional coats will add to price):

Walls-2 Coats
Trim/Doors- 2 Coats
Ceiling- 1 Coat

*All Wall Surfaces are figured for 8′ high ceilings

If you have 10′ high ceilings then add 25%.
If you have 12′ high ceilings then add 50%.
If you have 14′ high ceilings then add 75%.

All prices include labor and paint.