Is Epoxy Flooring a Reliable Choice for Heavy-Duty Industrial Use?

When it comes to industrial flooring, durability and reliability are crucial factors to consider. In this blog post, we will explore the suitability of epoxy flooring for heavy-duty industrial applications. We will delve into the importance of prepping the floor with a diamond grinder and maintaining cleanliness through the use of professional dust extraction equipment.  The Durability of Epoxy Flooring Epoxy flooring has gained popularity in the industrial sector due to its remarkable durability. It is a strong and resilient material that can withstand heavy loads, constant foot and vehicle traffic, and impacts from machinery and equipment. Epoxy…

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How To Remove Paint From Metal

A good layer of paint can revitalize any space or object – but it can also ruin it. This is especially true for metal components, like outdoor furniture, hardware, and accessories. Paint bonds well with metal surfaces, which can make removal a bit difficult. That being said, with the right tools and a lot of patience, you can return any object to its shiny glory. Read on to discover 5 techniques for how to remove paint from metal. Paint Strippers Regardless of the surface material, the most common method for removing paint involves paint strippers. However, this product includes harsh…

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Can You Remove Paint From Brick?

Trends are constantly changing. While painted brick may have looked nice 10 years ago, it might be a little outdated by now, especially if it is chipped or peeling in areas.  If you prefer original brickwork, we have good news. Paint can be removed from bricks without damaging the masonry underneath. However, you will want to use specific materials, and set aside a weekend or longer to get the job done.  Here are the simple steps you can take to remove paint from both indoor and outdoor bricks.  Step 1: Gather the Right Materials Brick is a porous…

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5 Paint Colors for the Home Office That Boost Productivity

During the pandemic, it was assumed that working from home would only be a temporary solution. However, three years later, we can see that was not the case. Many businesses and employees enjoyed the benefits of a hybrid or even fully remote work model. According to the United States Census Bureau, the number of people primarily working from home has tripled since 2019, from roughly 9 million people to now 27.6 million people. The numbers are projected to continue increasing.  Working from home is not without its problems, of course. Many people struggle to focus and remain productive…

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What Paint Is Safe for Babies?

Decorating the nursery is one of the most exciting parts of preparing for a new baby. But that harsh chemical smell that comes from new paint might have you thinking: Is this safe for my baby? Most paints made these days have few health risks. However, children and babies are more susceptible to respiratory issues caused by paint fumes and certain ingredients.  The side effects of fume poisoning can manifest as headaches, dizziness, eye irritation, coughing, and blurred vision.  In order to keep your baby safe, be aware of the ingredients in the paints you select. Here are…

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Damp-Proof Paint vs. Anti-Condensation Paint: Which to Choose?

If you’ve got moisture building up on your walls, it doesn’t really matter whether it’s damp or condensation, right? Wet is wet and should be dealt with the same way, correct? Not true. Wetness as a result of damp has a different cause and different solutions than does wetness that comes from condensation. This includes what type of paint you need to put on your walls to prevent future issues. Identifying Damp vs. Condensation Damp occurs when your structure lacks protection from moisture coming inside from outdoors. This could be caused by a crack in the wall or…

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How to Hang Decorations Without Damaging Your Walls

Decorating the walls of your home is a great way to put your personal stamp on the place. But if you rent and can’t put nail holes in the wall—or you just don’t want to damage that freshly repainted surface—you may be looking for ways to hang decor without damage. Here are 5 ways you can put up decorations without worrying about the state of your walls when you take them down. Decals Instead of Posters The world of wall decals has come a long way, and it’s possible to find everything from sports teams to cartoon characters,…

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Food Safe Paint vs. Hygiene Coating

Painting a business that makes or serves food products presents a unique set of issues. Not only must the paint look good and be long-lasting, but it also has to be food safe and must promote hygiene. But determining when to use food safe paint instead of a hygiene coating can be complicated. When to Use Food Safe Paint If your varnish, coating, or paint will come into physical contact with food products, such as in a silo or a food packaging plant, you’ll need food safe paint.  The Food and Drug Administration requires the use of resinous…

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Paint Colors Through the Decades

It can be easy to lose sight of historical design trends when all we see around us are the colors, textures, and choices that are popular right now. But sometimes, looking into the past can give us inspiration for new ideas that may become the next big thing. Let’s take a tour of paint colors through the decades: 1830s-1910s: Victorian Era Victorians were known for their rich hues and intense shades, with contrast between colors being common. Reds were paired with greens, or golds with purples, for example, leading to a sumptuous feel of excess. Over time, the…

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Can a Fresh Industrial Paint Job Impact Your Insurance Rates?

There are a lot of great reasons to give your industrial space a fresh coat of paint. From protecting the health and safety of your employees to giving the best possible impression of your business to the public, going to the extra trouble and expense to paint everything has its benefits. This may leave you wondering: Can a fresh industrial paint job impact your insurance rates? The Answer: Not Directly Your insurance rates won’t directly be lowered if you complete a repainting job on your industrial facility. However, keeping your space well-cared-for and repainting when necessary may help…

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